Alhamdulillah i finished and completed my final year design project. It was completed lama dah and the presentation as well had been conducted. Fuuuhhh it was hectic, pressure, stress and sumer mende ar ade time wat tue. Really2 tensed, ye ar mane tak nye common student last minute baru nak wat. Kerja satu semester tapi 1 week before submission baru nak wat. Hahahah padan muke aku. Kiteorang kene design resorts kat Port Dickson 10 storeys height kot. But seriously it was really2 relieve to know that i completed the works. Giler ape aku 24 7 stay at faculty even sleep there siap bawak bantal sumer. Bangun2 tido je kluar bilik tue tgk orang baru datang fac g klas. Hahahhaa. Siap je design tapi biler run analysis fail, then have to redesign it back.. tue je ar kerja aku.. biler dah siap design and pass sumer report pulak nak kene wat. Plus lecturer yang kedekut markah lagi.. Now i understand how it feel to be like a consultant, nie kerja group belum lagi nanti dah kerja kene wat sorang2. Sure pressure giler2 nye.. Nie pun aku dah pressure giler2.. hahahahahah Neway guys im proud with my work even though tak seberapa but aku wat dengan sendiri dan bersemangat~ hahaha thanks to my colleagues too~ Here are some of the pictures of my design~ :)
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